Adult Study Group
Stand to Reason
Every Other Monday 6:30-8 pm
Leader's Home
We are a discipleship group designed to help Christ followers become confident, courageous, winsome ambassadors for Christ. We ask tough questions and seek good answers through videos, discussion, worldview training, apologetics, ethics, values and more using Stand to Reason materials. We also provide opportunities to practice what we learn by engaging others who have different worldviews. We will be starting a new session on January 20th called “Are the Gospels Reliable History?” Everything about Christianity depends on the history of the life of Jesus of Nazareth. Can the four documents we know as Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John be relied upon to give us a true picture of the important details of Jesus’ life? Is the history accurate? Has the record changed over time? We will answer those questions so you will know why you can trust the Gospels as recorded history that hasn’t changed.
Childcare not provided.
Have questions or want to join this group? Please reach out to the group leader below–they’d love to answer any questions you might have!
Tom & Cheri Morgan